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Air Sealing

Air sealing the home is one of the most cost effective ways to increase energy efficiency.   No matter how well your house is insulated and no matter how efficient your HVAC eqiupment is running, if there are cracks and gaps, the air you just paid to heat or cool will quickly escape your house and need to be replaced at your expense.

If air is exchanging more quickly than the "optimal healthy exchange rate" (we calculate this for you), then your HVAC unit is running more often than it should costing you more money in the form of high utility bills.

Equipment life is also shortened by excessive cycling of your HVAC equipment so reducing air leakage saves you money on both your utility bill and extends equipment life.

Blower Door Test | Air leakage test | DuctBlaster | Duct leaks | Duct leak test | Duct leakage test | Energy Savings | Infrared | Infrared camera | Thermographic camera | Home Energy Appraisal | Home Energy assessment | Home Energy Inspection | Thermographic inspection | Risk assessment | Preventive maintenance |Electromechanical inspections |     |     |

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